
Frequently Asked Questions

Boomin Media FAQ


Is there a contract for any monthly tiered service?

No, the Mono, Stereo and Surround Sound Tiers are to be paid up front before a month of service is to begin.  No contract is to be signed for this service, you pay, you get that month’s services rendered.

Do you generate content in spanish?

Claro que si.

Do I need to purchase a monthly service to have some work done?

If you decide that you only need one or a few our services then no, you won’t need to subscribe in order for us to provide said service(s). 

What is a video interview?

Video Interview – The client will designate an individual for Boomin Media to complete the video interview with.  The format may be virtual, in-person or hybrid at the sole discretion of Boomin Media.  The interview will be recorded, edited and published by Boomin Media to the appropriate social channels and will count as a vlog update toward the monthly offering.  All editing and publishing time is encompassed and will not incur any additional graphic design or videography resources or cost.  The video will be short format, three questions will be typed up by the client along with relevant three answers that will be given.  This script will be used by the interviewer and needs to be completed by the day of the interview being recorded. 


What is an animation?

Animation – A short animation of less than ten seconds will be created in the theme of the current campaign vision.  It will be developed with 1 proof review for each animation before final signoff.

What is a Infographic?

A one page data visualization of charts and/or graphs to easily convey messaging in the campaign roadmap. The data visualized will be selected by the agency based on campaign goals.

What is an interaction?

Any interaction within any social media platform being managed by the agency.  This includes but is not limited to a: comment, like, follow, direct message.


What is a website update?

Boomin Media will make updates to any WordPress website not including any custom CSS, Flash or animations not made originally by Boomin Media. A website update is defined as any change made on a web page for example updating the copyright information at the footer of a website.  


What is a vlog entry?

A 10 second video, edited and uploaded to social media channel.  

What is a email/SMS Campaign?

An email/SMS campaign is a coordinated set of messages sent to a group of recipients with the goal of achieving specific marketing objectives. These campaigns are typically used to promote products, services, events, or to communicate important information to a targeted audience.

What is an SEO update?

An SEO update refers to modifications or improvements made to a website’s content, structure, or technical aspects to enhance its visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs).

What is gamification?

Gamification is the application of game design elements and principles in non-game contexts to enhance user engagement, motivation, and overall experience.

What is a brand analysis?

Brand analysis is the comprehensive evaluation of a brand’s strengths, weaknesses, market position, and customer perceptions to inform strategic decision-making and improve brand performance.

What is a consumer engagement analysis?

Consumer engagement analysis is the process of assessing how customers interact with a brand across various touchpoints to understand their behaviors, preferences, and levels of engagement to enhance marketing strategies and customer experiences.

What is a consumer demographic analysis?

Consumer demographic analysis is the study of a population’s statistical characteristics, such as age, gender, income, education, and occupation, to better understand and target specific market segments.

What is a brand evolution strategy?

Brand evolution strategy is a comprehensive plan to adapt and enhance a brand’s identity, positioning, and offerings over time to remain relevant and competitive in a changing market.

Can I add more services to my monthly plan?

Yes. You can feel free to spend more money with us anytime.  We can fully customize any month individually to focus more on an event in May for example.

Do you guys do event planning too?

Do you want the illest event ever?  Call us. Now.

Do you guys create NFT's?

We’re working on an NFT right now for a client, it’s our first and it’s going great.  

Does Boomin Media have a podcast?

Yes but it’s on a long list of stuff that is only partially complete as of this writing.

Mono Sound

An entry level monthly marketing plan for your brand to get out there, be posted about regularly and have good organic engagement.

Stereo Sound

Get serious about what your brand is doing and how it performs.  Amplify the sound of your brand’s voice, lean into the positive brand sentiment that’s being built.

Surround Sound

Time to pump up the volume! You’re clearly serious about your brand’s success and this is how you get in tune with significant data points.

Transparent cross icon representing added value in marketing strategies

Better Brand Health is Our Mission

24/7 service. Same Day Appointments are Available.


5156 W. Olive Ave 201 Glendale, AZ 85302